Weekly Bulletins

Bible Study Notes

Foundations with Senior Pastor Paul Jehle starting 1/5/2022

Biblical Foundations Course of The New Testament Church

Also using Bible Studies for a Firm Foundation by Bob & Rose Weiner

Purchase Firm Foundation HERE


Christ and Christmas with Senior Pastor Paul Jehle

Lesson 1- 12/1/21 “Lessons from the Life of Joseph”

Lesson 1- 12/8/21 “Lessons from the Life of Mary”

Lesson 1- 12/15/21 “Lessons from the Shepherds of Jesus’ Time”

Lesson 1- 12/22/21 “Lessons from the Wise Men”


Finding Hope in Jesus Bible Study with Senior Pastor Paul Jehle

Lesson 8 – 4/21/21 “You Are Carried”

Lesson 7 – 4/14/21 “You Are Established”

Lesson 6 – 4/7/21 “You Are Made New”

Lesson 5 – 3/31/21 “You Are A Witness”

Lesson 4 – 3/24/21 “You Change Course”

Lesson 3 – 3/17/21 “You Are Cherished”

Lesson 2 – 3/10/21 “Entering Into Rest”

Lesson 1 – 3/3/2021 “You Are Called”

Release from the Curse Prayer by Derek Prince


Lessons from Daniel Bible Study with Senior Pastor Paul Jehle

Lesson 4 – 12/22/2020 “The Kingdom Is the Goal”

“The Miraculous Story of Hanukkah” by Paul Jehle

“His Star in the East” by Paul Jehle

Lesson 3 – 12/16/2020 “Your Character Is Your Legacy”

Lesson 2 – 12/9/2020 “Influence Is Greater than Power”

Lesson 1 – 12/2/2020 “God’s Judgement Is Redemptive”


Thanksgiving Devotional – November 2020

“Peace, Reconciliation and Thanksgiving” by Paul Jehle

“Navigating the Pandemic from a Pilgrim Perspective” by Paul Jehle


When A Nation Forgets God Bible Study with Senior Pastor Paul Jehle

Lesson 7 Notes – October 28, 2020

Lesson 6 Notes – October 21, 2020

Lesson 5 Notes – October 14, 2020

“The Roots of American Education” by Dr. Paul Jehle

Lesson 4 Notes – October 7, 2020

Lesson 3 Notes – September 30, 2020

Lesson 2 Notes – September 23, 2020

Lesson 1 Notes – September 16, 2020


Fundamentals for American Christians (FACs) with Senior Pastor Paul Jehle

Lesson 14 Notes – August 19, 2020

Lesson 14 Article: “Restoring the Christian Committees of Correspondence”

Lesson 13 Notes – August 12, 2020

Lesson 13 Article: “Property”

Lesson 12 Notes – August 5, 2020

Lesson 12 Article: “Stewardship”

Lesson 11 Notes – July 29, 2020

Lesson 11 Article: “Faith… and Works”

Lesson 10 Notes – July 22, 2020

Lesson 10 Article: “Love”

Lesson 9 Notes – July 15, 2020

Lesson 9 Article:”Individuality”

Lesson 8 Notes –  July 8, 2020

Lesson 8 Article: “Whom Shall We Obey?”

Lesson 7 Notes – July 1, 2020

Lesson 7 Article: “The 2000 Year Reign of Christ”

Lesson 6 Notes – June 24, 2020

Lesson 6 Article: “The Sovereignty of God”

Lesson 5 Notes – June 17, 2020

Lesson 5 Article: “Making Your Mark for Jesus Christ”

Lesson 4 Notes –  June 10, 2020

Lesson 4 Article: “Roots of the Republic”

Lesson 3 Notes – June 3, 2020

Lesson 3 Article: “Self-Government in Christ”

Lesson 2 Notes – May 27, 2020 

Lesson 2 Article: “Our Great Political Textbook”

Lesson 1 Notes – May 20, 2020

Lesson 1  Article: “The Pilgrim Paradigm”

FACS Intro Notes – May 13, 2020

Introduction Article: “The Coronavirus in Context”


God Is in Control with Senior Pastor Paul Jehle

Week 5: Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Week 4: Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Week 3: Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Week 2: Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Week 1: Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Sermon Notes

March 23, 2025: Jude #11 “Build Up Your Faith” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 16, 2025: Jude #10 “Embracing the Judgment of God: Beauty for Ashes” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 9, 2025: Jude #9 “Enoch and the Return of the Lord” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 2, 2025: Jude #8 “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 26, 2025: Dramatic Portrayal “Col. Leslie’s Retreat in Salem” by Dr. Paul Jehle

“Pastor Barnard & Col. Leslie in Salem” Presentation Slides

February 23, 2025: Jude #7 “The Rebellion of Korah” by Dr. Paul Jehle

“Evan Roberts & the Welsh Revival” PRF E-News June 2016

“Jeremiah Lanphier & the 1857 Prayer Revival” PRF E-News September 2016

February 16, 2025: Jude #6 “The Error of Balaam” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 9, 2025: “Treasures of Snow” by Dr. Paul Jehle Notes 

and “Treasures of Snow” Presentation Slides

February 2, 2025: Jude #5 “The Way of Cain” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 26, 2025: Jude #4 “Living Under Authority” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 19, 2025: Jude #3 “Continuing in the Faith” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 12, 2025: Jude #2 “Contending for the Faith” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 5, 2025: The Book of Jude #1 “Faith and Family” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 29, 2024: Shine #11 “The Love of God” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 22, 2024: Shine #10 “The Incarnation of Meekness” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 1, 2024: Shine #9 “Goodness” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 17, 2024: Shine # 8 “Kindness” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 10, 2024: Shine #7 “Faithfulness” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 3, 2024: Shine #6 “Longsuffering” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 27, 2024: Shine #5 “Self-Control” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 6, 2024: Shine #4 “Walking in the Peace of God” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 22, 2024: Shine #3 “The Joy of Contentment” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 15, 2024: Shine #2 “Christ Shining from Us” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 8, 2024: “Studying Scripture: Through the Lens of Second Timothy” by Mr. Ben Turner

September 1, 2024: The Righteous Will Shine #1 “Our Character Is What Will Shine” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 25, 2024: “Defending Your Cabbage Patch” by Rob Fantoni

August 11, 2024: Preparing #10 “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth” by Dr. Paul Jehle

July 21, 2024: Preparing #9 “Reasoning with God” by Dr. Paul Jehle

July 14, 2024: Preparing #8 “Seek First the Kingdom” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 30, 2024: “Tyranny: Not Fit to Be a Ruler of a Free People” outline by Dr. Paul Jehle

and “Tyranny: Not Fit to Be a Ruler of a Free People” Presentation slides 

June 9, 2024: Preparing #7 “Self-Government: The Goal of Preparation” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 2, 2024: Preparing #6 “Kingdom Priorities” by Dr. Paul Jehle

May 26, 2024: Preparing #5 “Our Sphere of Influence” by Dr. Paul Jehle

May 19, 2024: Preparing #4 “The Power of Humble Wisdom” by Dr. Paul Jehle

May 5, 2024: Preparing #3 “Fervent Prayer” by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 28, 2024: Preparing #2 “Koinonia” (Fellowship) by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 21, 2024: Preparing for Change #1 “Apostolic Doctrine” by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 7, 2024: “Fellowship” by Rev. Dave White

March 31, 2024: Cross #3 “The Revelation of the Resurrection” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 24, 2024: Cross #2 “The Revelation of the Lamb of God” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 17, 2024: The Principle of the Cross #1 “The Humility of the Cross” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 25, 2024: Mentoring #9 “Forgiveness” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 18, 2024: Mentoring #8 “The Church As the Revealed Rock of Christ” by Rev. Dave White

February 11, 2024: Mentoring #7 “Guarding Our Tongue” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 4, 2024: Mentoring #6 “Gratefulness” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 21, 2024: Mentoring #4 “God Is in Control” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 14, 2024: Mentoring #3 “Making Disciples” by Rev. Dave White

January 7, 2024: Mentoring #2 “You Are His Workmanship” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 31, 2023: Mentoring More in 2024 #1 “What Is Discipleship?” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 24, 2023: “Jesus’ Birth: A Prophetic Miracle” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 17, 2023: “The Incarnation: Why Christ Must Be the Center of Christmas” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 3, 2023: “Walking Humbly with God” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 12, 2023: Liberty & Captivity Models: “Blessed Are the Peacemakers” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 5, 2023: Liberty & Captivity Models: “Blessed Are the Persecuted” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 22, 2023: “Releasing Gifts and Ministries” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 15, 2023: “Walking in Covenant” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 8, 2023: Kingdom Rising #8 “The Power of Shining As an Example” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 1, 2023: Kingdom Rising #7 “The Treasure Is Christ” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 17, 2023: Kingdom Rising #6 “Leavening Your World” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 3, 2023: Kingdom Rising #5 “Seeking the Treasure” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 20, 2023: Kingdom Rising #4 “Discipled in the Old and New” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 13, 2023: Kingdom Rising #3 “Sharing the Gospel” by Dr. Paul Jehle

July 30, 2023: Kingdom Rising #2 “Renew Your Mind” by Dr. Paul Jehle

July 23, 2023: The Kingdom of God Is Rising #1 “Guard Your Heart” by Dr. Paul Jehle

July 2, 2023: “The Pursuit of Happiness (The Right to Private Property)” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 25, 2023: Pentecost #4: “The Conversion of Cornelius” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 11, 2023: Pentecost #3: “The Conversion of Saul” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 4, 2023: Pentecost #2: “The Ethiopian Eunuch” by Dr. Paul Jehle

May 21, 2023: The Purpose of Pentecost #1: “The Feast of Pentecost” by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 23, 2023: Difficult Times #2″Training for Spiritual War (Iwo Jima)” by Dr. Paul Jehle

“A Proclamation for a Day of Fasting & Prayer – April 29, 2023” – TNT Elders

April 16, 2023: Preparing to Face Difficult Times #1 “Liberty, Prayer, Fasting & Patriot’s Day” by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 2, 2023: “The Cross and the Crown” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 19, 2023: Spiritual Warfare #7 “Prayer and Fasting” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 12, 2023: Spiritual Warfare #6 “Ekklesia Walls and Gates” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 5, 2023: Spiritual Warfare #5 “Deliver Us from Evil” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 19, 2023: Spiritual Warfare #4 “Discernment” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 12, 2023: Spiritual Warfare #3 “Kingdom Ethnicity” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 5, 2023: Spiritual Warfare #2 “Joining the Generations” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 29, 2023: Spiritual Warfare #1 “The Measure of Maturity” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 22, 2023: “The Right to Life” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 15, 2023: “Power and Wisdom” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 1, 2023: “First Things” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 25, 2022: Notes “Mary’s Magnificat” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 18, 2022: Notes “Lessons from the Wise Men” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 18, 2022: Power Pt “Lessons from the Wise Men” by Dr. Paul Jehle

“His Star in the East” by Dr. Paul Jehle (2001)

December 11, 2022: Notes “Lessons from the Shepherds” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 11, 2022: Power Pt “Lessons from the Shepherds” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 27, 2022: Compassion #3 “Willing to Yield” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 13, 2022: Compassion #2 “Reconciliation” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 6, 2022: Compassion #1 “Fellow Prisoners” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 23, 2022: Calling of TNT #4 “Called to Move in the Spirit” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 16, 2022: Calling of TNT #3 “Called to Disciple Generations” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 9, 2022: Calling of TNT #2 “Called to Loving Service” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 2, 2022: The Calling of the New Testament Church #1 “Called to Apply the Bible” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 18, 2022: “Pillars of Spiritual Warfare” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 4, 2022: Persecution #6 “God’s Power in Weakness” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 28, 2022: Persecution #5 “The Gospel Response to Persecution” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 14, 2022: Persecution #4 “Loving Your Enemies” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 7, 2022: Persecution #3 “Truth Under Assault” by Dr. Paul Jehle

July 31, 2022: Persecution #2 “Spiritual Persecution” by Dr. Paul Jehle

July 24, 2022: Preparing for Persecution #1 “The Pressure of Persecution” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 26, 2022: Titus #7 “The Church’s Kingdom Focus” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 19, 2022: Titus #6 “The Church’s Testimony of Submission” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 12, 2022: Titus #5 “Christ in the Church” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 5, 2022: Titus #4 “Discipleship: Church As an Extended Family” by Dr. Paul Jehle

May 29, 2022: Titus #3 “A Pure Conscience” by Dr. Paul Jehle

May, 8, 2022: Titus #2 “Character Is Crucial” by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 24, 2022: Titus #1 “Intro & Mission of Titus to Transform Crete” by Dr. P. Jehle

April 17, 2022: “Resurrection Day” by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 10, 2022: “Palm Sunday and Lamb Selection Day” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 27, 2022: Revival #11 “The Gospel of the Kingdom” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 20, 2022: Revival #10 “Fire and Glory: The Ingredients of Revival” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 6, 2022: Revival #9 “Revival of Returns: Revival, Awakening, and Reformation” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 20, 2022: Revival #8 “A Model for Revival and Awakening” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 13, 2022: Revival #7 “Compassion for the Lost” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 6, 2022: Revival #6 “Passing the Mantel” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 23, 2022: Revival #5 “Stand Still”  by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 16, 2022: Revival #4 “There Is Always Hope” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 9, 2022: Revival #3 “A Legacy of Influence” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 9, 2022: Power Point “Legacy of Influence”

January 2, 2022: Revival #2 “Calling On the Name of the Lord” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 26, 2021: Revival #1 “Desperation: What Might Happen When God Moves?” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 14, 2021: “Lessons from the Mulberry Trees” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 7, 2021: Last Things “Birthing the Kingdom” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 31, 2021: Last Things “A Victorious Church” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 24, 2021: Last Things “We Shall Behold Him” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 17, 2021: Last Things “Marked By Christ” by Dr. Paul Jehle

October 10, 2021: Last Things “The Nature of Prophecy” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 26, 2021: Last Things “Thy Kingdom Come” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 19, 2021: Last Things “Occupy Till I Come” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 12, 2021: “The Roots of Generational Transfer” by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 27, 2021: “Water Baptism” Colossians 2:11-13 by Dr. Paul Jehle

June 13, 2021: “Our Identity in Christ” by Dr. Paul Jehle

May 23, 2021: “Seeking Christ in Heavenly Places” by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 4, 2021: The Feast of Firstfruits” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 14, 2021: “The Feast of Tabernacles” by Dr. Paul Jehle (Power Point)

March 14, 2021: “The Feast of Tabernacles” by Dr. Paul Jehle (Notes)

March 7, 2021: “Empowered by the Spirit” by Dr. Paul Jehle

February 28, 2021: “Drawn to Jesus” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 31, 2021: God’s Great Reset #4 “Resetting the Essentials” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 24, 2021: God’s Great Reset #3 “The Heart of the Believer” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 17, 2021: God’s Great Reset #2 “The Local Church” by Dr. Paul Jehle

January 10, 2021: God’s Great Reset #1 “Responsibility” by Dr. Paul Jehle

December 20, 2020 “Christmas Sunday Exhortation” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 22, 2020 “The Doctrine of Thanksgiving” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 15, 2020 “Kingdom Stability by Focusing on Jesus” by Dr. Paul Jehle

November 1, 2020 “We Will Serve the Lord” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 27, 2020 “You Go First: Elijah & the Prophets of Baal” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 20, 2020 “Why Do the Nations Rage?” by Dr. Paul Jehle

September 13, 2020 “Generational Continuity” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 9, 2020 “Navigating the Storm” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 5, 2020 “Marxism: Its Origin & Methodology” by Dr. Paul Jehle

August 2, 2020 “Who Has Believed Our Report? – Isaiah 53” by Dr. Paul Jehle

July 29, 2020 “Religious Liberty: Cornerstone of the MA State Constitution” by Dr. Paul Jehle

May 10, 2020 “The Church Is a Family” by Dr. Paul Jehle

April 11, 2020 “Prayer for The New Testament Church” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 29, 2020 “Jesus Lifted Up” by Dr. Paul Jehle

March 22, 2020 “The Providence of God and the Corona Virus” by Dr. Paul Jehle

“St. Patrick’s Day” by Dr. Paul Jehle

“Lessons from the Plague of 1665” by Dr. Paul Jehle
