1) Called to Apply the Bible
Senior Pastor Dr. Paul Jehle’s message “Called to Apply the Bible” from his sermon series, The Calling of the New Testament Church or Our Church DNA from October 2, 2022 at The New Testament Church.

2) Called to Loving Service
Senior Pastor Dr. Paul Jehle’s message “Called to Loving Service” from his sermon series, The Calling of the New Testament Church or Our Church DNA from October 9, 2022 at The New Testament Church.

3) Called to Disciple the Generations
Senior Pastor Dr. Paul Jehle’s message “Called to Disciple the Generations” from his sermon series, The Calling of the New Testament Church or Our Church DNA from October 16, 2022 at The New Testament Church.

4) Called to Move in the Spirit
Senior Pastor Dr. Paul Jehle’s message “Called to Move in the Spirit” from his sermon series, The Calling of the New Testament Church or Our Church DNA from October 23, 2022 at The New Testament Church.



Candidates for water baptism should review Dr. Jehle’s teaching below prior to their water baptism.


Water Baptism – Colossians 2:11-13
Dr. Paul Jehle, June 27, 2021

Click HERE to see the notes from this sermon on water baptism.