Greeter Ministry
Meets: Serve Sunday mornings on a rotating basis
Leader: Jane Small

Usher Ministry
Meets: Serve Sunday mornings on a rotating basis
Leader: Jesse Lindberg

HELP Ministry
Meets: When Needed
Leader: Carol Doherty
H ospitality at Home
E ncourage the Family of God during difficult times
L ove on Them through letters, notes, etc.
P ray for them & Provide a Meal
The purpose of our HELP ministry is to provide a means for us to come alongside our fellow believers in this local church during times of need, transition or trial. We hope to coordinate a ministry that offers concrete tools to share God’s love & heart by being His Hands.

Helping Hands Ministry
Meets: When Needed
Leader: Tom Faherty
The purpose of Helping Hands Ministry is to help provide an extra hand in meeting the practical needs of fellow believers in this local church through service projects.