The individual bound by thousands of demons ran to worship Jesus! This is an indication of the power of God’s Spirit to draw people to Himself regardless of the sin and spiritual bondage present.
It is important for us to know that God is drawing people to Himself and they are all around us!
It is also important to recognize that whatever bondage they may be in, the Spirit of God is stronger!
We can be bold in sharing the gospel because it is the power of God to salvation!
Let us ask God to open our eyes to those around us whom He is drawing. It is important to know that God loves them and desires their redemption!
Our tests in life prepare us to gain greater and greater confidence to share the gospel with others, knowing that it is the Lord that saves, not us! Let us prepare to share the good news of His gospel!
Are We Preparing to Witness in the Days Ahead?
“But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him.” – Mark 5:6